Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Veggie Carbonara is Magic, Too!

Lately, I have been enjoying making vegetarian versions of some much loved foods that tend to rely quite heavily on meat.  I tried a meat free version of pasta carbonara with friends and it turned out quite well.  So well that, after my friend called wanting the recipe so that he could make it again, I decided this must be a sign that I should make this my next post on my long neglected blog. to replacing the bacon is by using oyster mushrooms and crisping them up.  When done well, they end up salty and crispy with that wonderful mouth feel that I used to think could only be achieved by cooking bacon to about medium.
The secret
Vegetarian Pasta Carbonara
Note: This is a combination of recipes originally found here and here.
For the veggie bacon:
About 1lb oyster mushrooms
Kosher Salt
Red Pepper Flakes
Olive Oil

1lb pasta
1/2 cup Parmigiano Regino
2 Large Eggs
Fresh Ground Pepper and Kosher Salt, to taste.

Start salted water to boil in a large pot.  Cut the oyster into bite sized pieces and spread them evenly on a baking sheet.  Sprinkle with kosher salt, red pepper flakes, and drizzle with olive oil, then place under the broiler, checking frequently, until fairly dry and crisp.  Once the water boils, add the pasta and cook for the prescribed amount of time.  In a large mixing bowl, crack the eggs and stir until yolks and eggs just combine.  Once the pasta is done, strain it, then quickly add it to the bowl with the eggs and stir.  Add the Parm, veggie bacon and black pepper.  Enjoy.

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