Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Late Summer Day's Harvest

Wouldn't that be awesome?  The tomatoes are from Safeway
My harvest for one day actually looks like this
Tomatoes, strawberries, and radishes(the green tomatoes came off when picking redder ones)
It has continued to be a miserable summer for my garden.  So far this year, I have picked just barely over three pounds of tomatoes from my 12 plants.  When I look at my record from last year,  I had already picked well over 9 pounds of tomatoes by September 15th, and that was with 6 plants!  Almost everyone I have talked to who is growing tomatoes in the northwest has had the same experience unless they are using a hothouse or green house.
I will no doubt end up spending much of this fall and winter trying to devise a way to get a giant harvest from a small amount of space.  Most likely, I will have to make a structure to insulate them and keep them dry.  Does anyone have some mad scientist ideas on how to get some good tomatoes in our unreliable climate?  I would love to hear what other people have tried!

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