Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Party! Pictures!

I had the privilege this year of going to a party of some really great friends who also happen to have really impeccable taste, and are really great cooks, as well.
Beautiful fresh garden platter by Valerie Reuther of Rosehip Farm on Whidbey Island

Tasty chocolate dipped macaroons by Anthony Campbell.  They look better than my photography skills

Beautiful kiwi and (pear?) tart also by Anthony Campbell

Beautiful and wonderful jammy chocolate plum tart made by Ed Kronenberg

I will add some more pictures later, but as summer is winding down, I just want to share the images of this great food before summer is too much of a memory.

Note:  Rosehip farms has their food available at the Coupeville Farmer's Market on Whidbey Island.  They are also a CSA and you can inquire about subscribing at

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