Friday, August 27, 2010

August, Pierce County

7/26/2010 Bloody Butcher Tomato, 26.5grams
8/4/10 Bloody Butcher, 32.9g
8/7/19 Bloody Butcher, 39.5
8/7/10 Bloody Butcher, 33.8

8/23/10 Bloody Butcher, 47.8

Do you notice anything unusual about that(other than the fact that I am neurotic enough to catalog my tomatoes and weigh them to the tenth of a gram)?
Every year, nature seems to do this little striptease to me.  My tomatoes start coming along nicely and around the end of July or the beginning of August, the plants give me a few sweet, juicy vibrant tomatoes!  And then nothing.  The plants continue to grow and undulate, taking over every cubic inch it can populate, whether up and out if I stake them, or stretching out, its bountiful branches like a cat languishing in the warm summer sunlight.  They grow and they grow, but they will not ripen. I would have to estimate that I now have around 200 tomatoes growing between my 11 fruit bearing plants.  Unfortunately, I chose plants based on expected total harvest rather than wisely picking a variety that would give me a consistent yield.
So the wait continues.  I guess I am stuck going through the longest, hottest days of summer while not being able to enjoy the fruits of it...yet.
Once the harvest finally does come, I will no doubt be feverishly eating them raw, drying them in the oven, attempting to can them, and giving them away to kindred spirits who know the true beauty of a garden fresh tomato.
The wait will be worth it

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