Friday, August 27, 2010

Carbonara is magic

If I were ever to stop eating meat, pasta carbonara is the dish that I would miss the most.  It is a collection of so few ingredients that comes together to be the ultimate in comfort food.  It took me several times to convince Steve to try it, as he is not that adventurous with food.  He loved it the first time he tried it and would be quite content now to eat it several times a week.  I first found this recipe from one of Ruth Reichl's books.
I take no credit for the recipe, I am just paraphrasing how I remember reading it.
1lb spaghetti or other noodle pasta.
2 eggs
Parmigiano-Reggiano, not that hideous stuff that comes in a green shaker!
4-8 ounces good bacon
6 cloves garlic

Cut bacon into 1/2-1 inch pieces. Sliver the garlic.  Cook the bacon, but don't let it crisp as it won't adhere to the pasta if it does.  Add the garlic to the bacon about halfway through cooking.  While the pasta is cooking, crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl and scramble them.  Drain the pasta and toss in with the eggs and add shredded parmesan and the bacon, including the drippings(that's why it tastes so good).

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